Pure Cuteness

This is just a quick little update on how Owen and Georgia are doing.  I know this may not come as a big surprise to most of you who know Owen, but he is a pro at eating cereal.  Yes, we have started him on baby cereal.  He opens right up for the spoon and everything.  He still only eats just a little bit, but boy does he have it down pat!  He will then proceed to eat a 5 or 6 oz bottle.  And this is why Owen is a healthy big little guy ;).  He is even sleeping better!  Just look at how peaceful he is.


I am getting really excited about taking Owen to Florida.  We leave Monday night, and since he loves to take a bath I am thinking that he is going to love the pool.  As long as it is warm that is.  I will be sure to take lots of pictures for you so that I can post them here for your viewing pleasure.  Oh, and just because he is so darn cute, here is another picture for you.


And now onto Georgia.  She is beginning to be more and more alert!  And I just can’t get over how much she looks like her daddy!


By the way, for those of you who read my blog but don’t know, Kris (Georgia’s Daddy) is currently in Kuwait awaiting deployment from there to Iraq.  Georgia was born on Thursday June 28th, and the following Monday Kris had to return to his unit for combat training.  He was able to see her for a second time over the Fourth of July weekend, but the Monday after he left again and the following Wednesday shipped out overseas.  Kris will be gone for a 12 to 18 month deployment, though he has only physically seen his daughter twice he does get to see her frequently via internet video.  Please keep them in your prayers. 

On a lighter note, Georgia is growing up so fast!  She is an absolutely beautiful little girl.  But don’t just take my word for it, look for yourself!


Wedded Bliss

This past weekend, Saturday July 18th to be exact, was Cloe and Barry’s wedding.  It was a very beautiful event, and the bride was blushing.


This was Owen’s second wedding, the first being when he was barely a week old and a close friend of mine from college got married.  Like that wedding Owen slept through the majority of this one too.  But when it was time to party Owen was “Bud” of the Ball!!!

Owen and daddy2

Just look at those two studly men. Okay, maybe I’m just a little biased.  But you can’t honestly tell me that they aren’t good lookin guys. 😉

And of course it wouldn’t be a party if Owen weren’t attracting all the ladies.  It doesn’t matter that he happens to be related to them all, they just love his charming good looks.

wedding fun

And if any of you who read my blog are planning an occasion where a fancy cake is warranted, or you know someone who needs a cake baker, just take a look at this amazing creation.


My parents are wonderful specialoccasioncake makers…….and yes that is the scientific term.  But, here is their website: http://totheextremecakes.webs.com.  They have some pictures of other cakes they have made also.   

We had such a blast this weekend.  Congratulations Cloe and Barry England on your new life together.  We will always keep you in our hearts and prayers, and hope that you have a long and beautiful union.  We love you!!!

Bathtime Fun

When Tyler and I gave Owen his first bath, he was less than impressed.  In fact short of having water splashed on him he hated it.  (It was the getting clean part I’m sure of it…its that whole “boy” thing)  But, lately Owen has learned to love the bath; the washing part is now just a less enjoyable part of the bath.  Its like he “puts up” with me washing him, so that he can spend time splashing around in the water.  He is just so cute in the bath, and he does love splashing in the water.  So here are some pictures from our last bathtime:



And here is after we are all dried off and getting cozy.  Look at how good he is sitting up!  I am so proud of my little guy!!!




He’s Got It Made!!

Well, Owen has officially got it made.  What do I mean you ask? Besides being the first grandson on both sides of the family and the cutest baby known to mankind, I mean, Owen is one of only two boys in a group of 7 families who have had a child that will be in the same grade and attending Lapel schools.  Tyler and I are very lucky to have several “married with children” friends that have children the same age.  So, needless to say, when Owen begins school he will have the pick of the litter! 

Here are some pictures of Owen and Georgia, Owen will be watching out for Georgia when she starts school.  Since they will be in the same grade, he will know all the guys that will want to date her.

Owen and Georgia

Owen and Georgia2

This is a picture with Owen, Georgia on the right, and Sophie on the left.  That is Kenny and Lynelle Wilson’s new little girl.  She too will be the same grade as Owen and Georgia.  My little stud muffin.  Already surrounded by beautiful women. 😉


Isn’t Life Sweet

Well, it has happened.  Owen now sleeps through the night for more than just a measly 5 or 6 hours.  He has started sleeping for 7 to 10 hour stretches.  The past several mornings I have had to wake Owen up for his 5 o’clock feeding.  Well, this morning I chose not to wake him….he just looked so peaceful.


So, instead I just let Tyler know that he hadn’t eaten at his normal time and that he may be waking up soon to eat.  Well, Tyler texts me around 8:30 saying he had just woken up and was getting ready to eat.  I was amazed!  But I am very thankful that our little guy is growing up.  Our next big hurdle is moving Owen from sleeping in our room to sleeping in his own.  Yes I know, he still sleeps in mommy and daddy’s room; and its me who is just not ready for him to sleep in his own bed just yet.  Baby steps, it takes baby steps (pun intended).

Love, Laughs, and Giggles

Every day it seems that Owen learns something new.  Last week Owen began to learn how to use his hands.  He was fun to interact with before, but now that he can grab toys and such it is even more fun.  I love watching him learn new things.  This week, it is his laughs.  I think he is beginning to get the hang of it.  He has laughed a couple of times before but now he is starting to do it regularly.  And let me tell you, it is the cutest thing ever!!! I will never forget the first time he laughed.  We were at the hospital when Georgia was born, and we were all waiting in out in the lobby area.  Tyler and Landon were making funny faces at Owen trying to keep him entertained as we waited.  And all of the sudden, he just let out this cute little laugh.  Both Tyler and I almost cryed!  Its funny how the slightest little thing has such a profound impact on you when it has to do with your child.  But it was beautiful.  And now that he does it more it is just so contagious.  I had forgotten how cute little babies laughs were.  And he also just has the most beautiful smile, just look for yourself:


Isn’t that just the happiest little baby you have ever seen.  And it just gets cuter; when he laughs or gets really excited he acts almost like he is embarrassed.  He will turn to hide his face and his smile and then look back at you with the most adorable little grin.


I just love watching him get so excited.  He is a very happy little guy.  I also am glad that I have family that are so willing to watch him.  I think that makes him an even happier baby because he is with people that love him so much.  He is well taken care of.  

Well, thats all the gushing that I will do for now.  So, we will leave you with kisses.  Love you!


The Longest Week of My Life

So, this will officially be the longest week of my life.  I thought that the last week that I was pregnant would be the longest, but this one has it beat.  I didn’t realize how badly I missed Owen before knowing that he was with his daddy.  But this week Tyler is away at camp and Owen spends the days with his grandma and grandpa Knepp.  I thought I would surely be okay with this, after all Owen isn’t going to a daycare; its just grandma and grandpa.  Its harder than I thought it would be, and it makes me kind of feel stupid. 🙂  I know that he is perfectly alright, and I don’t want to be one of “Those” mothers who calls ever 10 minutes to make sure he is doing alright.  But overall I think that I am surviving ok.  The worst part of the week is yet to come.  I have to travel for work on Wednesday, so I won’t get to pick Owen up until around 8 o’clock. 😦  Then on Thursday its even worse!!! I have class until 10 Thursday night, that means that I won’t get to see him until at least 30 minutes after that!   Just the thought makes me want to cry.  Pray for me…I’m gonna need it.

On another note, I know that some of you are wondering about the camp that managed to pull Tyler away from his precious little boy.  Well, last year Tyler was introduced to a camp called Royal Family Kids Camp. 


This is a national summer camp for abused, neglected and abandoned children in the foster care system.  Tyler was so touched by working at the camp last year that he just couldn’t bare to miss it this year.  Tyler has always wanted to be a foster parent.  But, since we are actual parents now, we have had to put that on hold until we have older children.  So, Tyler wants to continue to be a guide for these kids in this way.  Most of you know that children is where Tyler’s passion is.  He is an excellent elementary teacher, he worked at a daycare all through high school and college, and he has 9 brothers and sisters that are younger than him that he helped take care of. 

So, I suppose that I can let Tyler off from being Mr. Mom for a week.  After all, if he makes a difference in just one childs life; then it is all worth it.