Love, Laughs, and Giggles

Every day it seems that Owen learns something new.  Last week Owen began to learn how to use his hands.  He was fun to interact with before, but now that he can grab toys and such it is even more fun.  I love watching him learn new things.  This week, it is his laughs.  I think he is beginning to get the hang of it.  He has laughed a couple of times before but now he is starting to do it regularly.  And let me tell you, it is the cutest thing ever!!! I will never forget the first time he laughed.  We were at the hospital when Georgia was born, and we were all waiting in out in the lobby area.  Tyler and Landon were making funny faces at Owen trying to keep him entertained as we waited.  And all of the sudden, he just let out this cute little laugh.  Both Tyler and I almost cryed!  Its funny how the slightest little thing has such a profound impact on you when it has to do with your child.  But it was beautiful.  And now that he does it more it is just so contagious.  I had forgotten how cute little babies laughs were.  And he also just has the most beautiful smile, just look for yourself:


Isn’t that just the happiest little baby you have ever seen.  And it just gets cuter; when he laughs or gets really excited he acts almost like he is embarrassed.  He will turn to hide his face and his smile and then look back at you with the most adorable little grin.


I just love watching him get so excited.  He is a very happy little guy.  I also am glad that I have family that are so willing to watch him.  I think that makes him an even happier baby because he is with people that love him so much.  He is well taken care of.  

Well, thats all the gushing that I will do for now.  So, we will leave you with kisses.  Love you!
