The Longest Week of My Life

So, this will officially be the longest week of my life.  I thought that the last week that I was pregnant would be the longest, but this one has it beat.  I didn’t realize how badly I missed Owen before knowing that he was with his daddy.  But this week Tyler is away at camp and Owen spends the days with his grandma and grandpa Knepp.  I thought I would surely be okay with this, after all Owen isn’t going to a daycare; its just grandma and grandpa.  Its harder than I thought it would be, and it makes me kind of feel stupid. 🙂  I know that he is perfectly alright, and I don’t want to be one of “Those” mothers who calls ever 10 minutes to make sure he is doing alright.  But overall I think that I am surviving ok.  The worst part of the week is yet to come.  I have to travel for work on Wednesday, so I won’t get to pick Owen up until around 8 o’clock. 😦  Then on Thursday its even worse!!! I have class until 10 Thursday night, that means that I won’t get to see him until at least 30 minutes after that!   Just the thought makes me want to cry.  Pray for me…I’m gonna need it.

On another note, I know that some of you are wondering about the camp that managed to pull Tyler away from his precious little boy.  Well, last year Tyler was introduced to a camp called Royal Family Kids Camp. 


This is a national summer camp for abused, neglected and abandoned children in the foster care system.  Tyler was so touched by working at the camp last year that he just couldn’t bare to miss it this year.  Tyler has always wanted to be a foster parent.  But, since we are actual parents now, we have had to put that on hold until we have older children.  So, Tyler wants to continue to be a guide for these kids in this way.  Most of you know that children is where Tyler’s passion is.  He is an excellent elementary teacher, he worked at a daycare all through high school and college, and he has 9 brothers and sisters that are younger than him that he helped take care of. 

So, I suppose that I can let Tyler off from being Mr. Mom for a week.  After all, if he makes a difference in just one childs life; then it is all worth it.

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