
This was Owen’s first Christmas! More information on that to come.  But for now the story of when Owen met Santa.  Christmas would not be complete for your child until they had the chance to sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what they are wishing for.  Well, Owen isn’t quite old enough to do the later, but he was able to sit on Santa’s lap.  Now allow me to set the scene.  It is 8 o’clock at night, in a rather busy mall.  Owen is normally asleep at 8 o’clock at night and he doesn’t fair very well with people he doesn’t know very well.  So this was bound to be a beautiful meeting.  Georgia went first.  Lindsay took her up there and sat her very calmly on Santa’s lap. Lindsay stood just far enough away that she was out of the shot but Georgia would still be ok sitting there on her own.  It was quite funny, after the picture was taken we realized that she was apparently threatening Santa!! I am guessing she was saying “I’ll sit quietly but don’t you try anything you.” All while holding her fist at his face.

Then it was Owen’s turn, I didn’t think that it would work very well since one he was tired, and two Santa was a complete stranger.  But we decided to try anyway.  The lady who was taking the pictures was very calm and good with them.  But she had these jingle bells that she would shake to try to get the babies to look at her.  Apparently Owen, who was already looking at her, thought it a bit much and leaned forward widened his eyes and sarcastically stared at her as if to say ” I am looking lady!”

Well, since Owen wasn’t crying yet I thought I would push my luck and see if we could get a picture with Owen and Georgia together.  No such luck…

So I promptly went and scooped him up and comforted him trying to get him to calm down.  Once I was successful we tried one last time to get a group picture.  Not to shabby if you ask me:

So, that was our experience with Santa for the first time.  It was worth it if only just for the memories.  I will post how Owen enjoyed Christmas soon!!