Never Ceases To Amaze

Owen is really starting to grow up fast it seems, maybe its just me.  But he will use new words that I have never heard, nor do I remember saying.  Lately he will let you know he is hungry by saying “eat,” if he is only a little hungry, or normally right after a meal he will say “nack” for snack, because apparently this is what he should have after a meal. 🙂  Also, if there is something sweet he wants, for example chocolate, he will point to what he wants and say “peez, peez.”  I love that he is saying please a whole lot more now, but I hate it when I have to tell him no, although he is getting better at just taking no for an answer. 

Owen has also been doing a lot of really cute things lately, he always wants to watch “Buzz,” that is Toy Story for those of you who don’t know.  As soon as I put the movie in he says “Buzz! Buzz!”  Also, he has been somewhat interested in the baby, although I know he doesn’t fully understand just yet.  The other day I thought he was beginning to understand because I was laying on the couch and he came up to me and pointed to my tummy and said “Baby.”  I said yes there is a baby in there.  Then, completely on his own he leaned down and kissed my belly and have it a hug.  I almost started to cry it was so sweet!! So I thought well maybe he does understand that there is a baby in there.  But all hope for understanding was lost when yesterday he pointed to his own belly and said “baby.”  I’m not going to even pretend it is easy to explain to an almost 2-year-old boy that he doesn’t have a baby in his belly.

On another note, I had my first appointment with my new doctor yesterday.  It was pretty routine, and everything looked good!  I got to hear the baby’s heartbeat again and this time it was 167, a little slower than the 180 the first time.  I am almost 11 weeks, Sunday’s are my weekly markers so this coming Sunday I will be 11 weeks.  At my next appointment I will be scheduling the ultrasound to see if we are having a boy or a girl!!! I can’t believe that it has gone by so fast!  It may have helped that I didn’t tell my family until I was almost 9 weeks.  I have lost a little more weight since my last appointment, but not so much to be worried.  It is just because I have been so nauseous this pregnancy.  I am hoping that in a week or so I will be done with feeling icky and maybe even get my energy back.   I also found out at my appointment that I will be getting an extra ultrasound done at 36 weeks to try to determine the size of the baby, since my wonderful son was so big.  If this baby is even close to the same size I will have to schedule a c-section to avoid having some of the issues that we had with Owen.  I am hoping though that the baby will not be too big and I can try to go into labor naturally this time, however for those of you who are worry warts, I promise I will not do anything stupidly and if it is advised by my doctor to schedule the delivery I will do so.  I am not that hung up on having a natural birth. 

In other news, I will be starting a new job in a couple of weeks.  It’s not a promotion but it will be something different that will help me gain the experience I need to hopefully get a promotion.  This is a step in the right direction for me, it is the kind of work that I am really interested in and it can potentially lead to a job in an organization that I really want to work for.  Please keep me in your prayers as I make this transition, I am really looking forward to this job and what the future holds. 

Without further ado, here are some cute pictures of Owen and some of Georgia and Brooks too.

Manicure Anyone?

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