He’s Got It Made!!

Well, Owen has officially got it made.  What do I mean you ask? Besides being the first grandson on both sides of the family and the cutest baby known to mankind, I mean, Owen is one of only two boys in a group of 7 families who have had a child that will be in the same grade and attending Lapel schools.  Tyler and I are very lucky to have several “married with children” friends that have children the same age.  So, needless to say, when Owen begins school he will have the pick of the litter! 

Here are some pictures of Owen and Georgia, Owen will be watching out for Georgia when she starts school.  Since they will be in the same grade, he will know all the guys that will want to date her.

Owen and Georgia

Owen and Georgia2

This is a picture with Owen, Georgia on the right, and Sophie on the left.  That is Kenny and Lynelle Wilson’s new little girl.  She too will be the same grade as Owen and Georgia.  My little stud muffin.  Already surrounded by beautiful women. 😉


Buddies Forever

Two weeks ago I found myself back in the maternity ward at the same hospital I had delivered Owen.  Not for me of course, I am still in the “I’m never doing that again!!” mode.  No, this time I was able to be present while my niece was being born.  By present I do not mean in the delivery room, just at the hospital.  

Lindsay had a much different experience than I with her labor.  She received her epidural however, it didn’t work.  The anesthesiologist kept coming back in the room to adjust it to see if it would begin to work, but it never did.  Finally, they just took her off of it and gave her some other pain medicine with just a little anesthesia.   That seemed to work, too bad she had to go nearly 10 hours feeling her contractions.  Even at a muted level they still looked painful.  I went through the first 10 hours feeling absolutely nothing.  My face even started to go numb!  It was all good though. 

Once they put Lindsay on the pain meds, it was time for her to begin the delivery.  No one on the outside knew what was happening, it only took her about 30 minutes and little Georgia Nicole Washmuth was born.  She weighed in at a healthy 7 lbs 7 oz 19 1/2 inches long.  


Owen now has a playmate for life!  I love that he has a cousin so close in age, they will grow up together, go to the same school, be in the same class, maybe even have the same friends!

Owen and Georgia 2

Owen took a liking to his new baby cousin right away.  I can just tell that he is going to take good care of her.  They are going to be the bestest little buddies.  I am so glad that Lindsay and I had babies so close in age and that we live in the same small town, less than a mile apart.   I love it.

Owen and Georgia