My Owen

Over the past year I have sat and watched my little man grow up and lose all his “babiness”.  He is becoming a child.  Full of truth, and honesty (brutal at times) and his own humor.  In fact, just the other day he came up to me and said, “Mom, I’ve got something for you.” I was so excited so I said “Oh, what is it?” He turns around sticks his butt at me and farts then runs away, laughing.  (Okay, so maybe his humor is all about farts right now, but give him a break…he is only 3)  Another of his cute quirks includes his dress attire…he has to always wear an “armpit shirt” (tank top) and short pants (commonly knows as shorts). 


When we leave the house, Tyler and I always tell him he has to put on a long sleeve shirt and long pants and his coat before we go.  So, Owen goes and gets his warm clothes but insists on putting them on over his “armpit” shirt and short pants.  Then he asks if he can take off these clothes when we get to where we are going.  Since we have chosen to pick our battles, his is allowed to take off his warm clothes almost anywhere except church or when we go out to eat.  He seems satisfied with that, so we are too. 

Tyler and I recently learned something about our cute little 3-year-old.  He is too smart for his own good.  The Saturday before Christmas, we told Owen that we were going to go see Santa Claus.  He got super excited and his eyes got as big as saucers and he said, “We are going to the North Pole!” We said no, Santa came here so we could see him.  Owen said, “To our house!” We again said no, we are going to go see him at the mall.  Owen then had a deflated look and said, “Santa is at the mall?” We then gave an explanation to the effect of yes he goes to the mall so all the little boys and girls can see him and tell him what they want for Christmas.  That seemed to work ok, so we left it alone.   When Christmas came around, “Santa” came to deliver presents and Owen caught him in the act.  Santa saw him and carefully in the dark of the hallway, snuck down and handed Owen a candy cane.  He thought it was the best thing ever and was so excited to tell everyone that he saw Santa and he brought him a “candy corn!” (his version of candy cane 🙂 )  Later that day when Owen and I were talking about how neat it was to see Santa he said, “Yeah, but I think it was a different Santa.”  I said “What?! What do you mean a different Santa?”  He calmly looks at me and says “Well, he had a dark face.”  I just said it was because the lights were off in the hallway and he couldn’t see him very well.  Again he seemed to think that could be possible, and let it go.  All this has led Tyler and I to the conclusion that Owen will not believe for very much longer.  And that is 100% ok, we won’t lie to him and if he ever asked, the truth will be told with the caveat of not telling his little sister.  We also decided he could understand what Christmas was really about.  We explained this in terms of gifts, because what 3-year-old doesn’t understand gifts?  So, we told Owen he gets 3 presents for Christmas.  Then we asked him why he only gets three.  His answer was, “Because big God gave 3 presents to little God for Christmas and for his birthday.”   He then said that he should get 3 presents for his birthday too…a battle we will choose to fight later. 😉 

Overall, this past year has opened our eyes to what a beautiful young boy we have.  He is so smart, so cute and so funny all rolled up into one.  I am so excited to see what he does next.  I love how he treats Evie, he loves her so much.  Often times he will be playing and having not heard her for a bit jumps up and says, “Mom, where’s Evie?”  I calmly let him know she is taking a nap, and he says ok and goes back to what ever he was doing before.  Or if they are playing, or even if they aren’t and I tell Evie its time for a nap, he will say no she doesn’t want to take a nap; all because he still wants her to be with him, playing or not.  Such a sweet heart for such a young little boy.  I love you Owen.

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